Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting Laser Targeted Traffic With Forum Marketing

Imagine if you could listen in on the conversations that the potential customers in your target market are having.

You could easily find out what exactly they are struggling with, how they feel about certain products they've bought and something else of incredible value.

That something else of incredible value is knowing how to speak to the people in your market.

You see it's one thing to do keyword research and try to rank for specific phrases based on the results of the various keyword tools out there but...

It's a whole different ballgame entirely when you can incorporate the exact phrases people use in your content to attract them to your website.

But there's another super advantage to getting targeted traffic forums.

You don't need to get a million visitors to your website in order to see a profit.

But there are some things you need to do to make forum marketing work for you.

First. You will need to commit at least 10 -15 minutes a day on it and no more.

It's very easy to get caught up in the many conversations that go in forums, so set a timer or something to keep yourself from wasting time.

Second. Don't blatantly advertise your website. Most forums allow you to place a link back to your website in the form of signature.

This signature will show up at the bottom of all your posts.

The caution is to make sure that whenever you make a contribution to any given thread... it's relevant and meaningful.

If you want the people in your market to perceive you as an expert then you have to sound like one.

Make sense?

Third. Create a profile that makes you look trustworthy. If you have a decent picture of yourself... use it.

Another small thing that helps people to feel a little more comfortable with you is using your name.

The majority of people who frequent forums tend to use nicknames. Although nicknames are cute, using your real name says that you're not some anonymous scammer hiding behind a laptop.

The bottom line is that it's all about getting targeted traffic to your website because any other kind of traffic is like not getting traffic at all.

At the NonStopMarketer Internet Marketing Education Blog you will find more internet marketing information that will help you to gain a decided advantage for creating a profitable business online.