Sunday, May 18, 2008

What Drives Your Dream?

Fernando Morales

The old saying goes: "When the going gets tough, the tough get going". It's definitely true, but I like this one: "If you're going through hell, keep going".-Winston Churchill

Doesn't the second saying seem more appropriate, especially when it comes to building your own business? It seems like every conceivable and inconceivable obstacle immediately manifests itself. It can get particularly stressful when you haven't made a dime. It feels like you're watching grass grow.

It Will Happen

Since we're talking about grass, I'm used to seeing my lawn perfectly manicured and flat, but if it goes longer than a week it looks like a small forest. Amazing isn't it?

Sometimes in order to grow our business, we have to allow room for personal growth in order to manage the ups and downs associated with declaring your freedom online. I'm sure there is not a marketer out there who hasn't been totally fed up with their pursuit of online fortune. What get's them through? What's gonna get you through?

Focus On The Objective

Do you have children? Isn't it true, that most, if not all of us want the very best for them? This does not mean that they have to eat dinner in a different country every nite or get a rolls royce as their first car, but we don't want to see them struggle under the pressures that many of us are dealing with everyday either.

Is your desire to take care of them strong enough to pull you through the hard times?When I go to work and deal with an irate customer or the foolish idiosyncracies of some of my coworkers, that just heats up the furnace in my gut, pushing me forward when I feel like throwing up my hands and forgetting all about it.

In the long run the reward far outweighs the momentary misery that accompanies learning something new and applying it at the same time. Fortunately there is a lot of help available. Outside of the various forums, which can be great sources of encouragement there are some individual sites that can give you a boost as well.

One of such sites that i came across was, talk about some real meaty information that can propel you forward. The articles and links provided can help you hit the learning curve faster, ultimately putting you into profit sooner.

Another great site is If you want simple yet effective techniques to build your business without the b.s., Mal Keenan is your man. For someone who doesn't lay claim to the title of guru, this guy knows his stuff and pretty much gives you the keys to the bentley without batting an eye. It's up to you to drive.

For another meat and potatoes marketing site, check out www. This site is information packed with rich content that can help you grow your business from A to Z. The point of mentioning these sites is not so much to shamelessly plug them for something in return, but to make you aware of the environment around you.

Stay focused on your dream of calling the shots in your life. You deserve the success that is due for all your hard work. You can't lose, if you refuse to. Lean on the experience of the success around you, until you find what works for you, but don't stop driving to your dream, otherwise you'll never get there.

One last resource for your business development can be found here where you can virtually build a business online for free. Check it out at

Remember you deserve success and so do your loved ones!

Your Success Is Waiting,
Fernando Morales

Twilight Warrior