Now that you've gone ahead and taken the first step to developing a monthly passive income for yourself by creating your own membership site, it is time to let everyone in your market know that it's there.
However you must grasp a very important concept in order that the traffic you generate to your site will be worth your time, energy and money.
1. You have to take care that you attract the right individuals to your website.
2. You have to make sure that your sales copy will convert your prospects into new members.
Attracting the Right People
Focusing on the first point, it is necessary that whether you choose to use free or paid methods of getting traffic... your advertisements and your content must be closely related to what your prospects are looking for.
Whether you decide to generate content (meaning write articles) or use Google adwords, you must make certain that your content or ads speak the language of the user best suited for your membership.
To eaves drop on the language that your prospects are speaking you can visit forums. Forums are packed with individuals who are like minded and share a passion for the subject you have chosen to focus your membership site around.
By regularly visiting these forums you can tune into what their hot buttons are. What do they like? What do they hate? Are there any specific phrases that are frequently used that can help you to better identify with your market and that may be useful to include in your ads or your content?
With this information you will be armed with the keywords and phrases that will readily attract targeted prospects to your membership website.
To be honest with you, you should have already taken this action while you were creating your membership site and in the case that you did that you will be that much further ahead of the game.
The Insider Tip to Effective Sales Letter Conversions
Knowing how to speak in your customers style will help you to write a salesletter that truly indicates that you understand them and that you are just like them.
A very effective way to use all of the information you've collected about your potential customers is to write a compelling story that connects with them.
It is highly necessary that within the story you highlight what their main frustrations are and how you shared the same frustrations.
You might even go so far as to offer suggestions for dealing with the situation so that they can get the sense that you're genuinely trying to help them.
But you want to take care to inform them that while they may try your suggestions, you have come up with a far better solution that would eliminate their having to lose time trying to get whatever it is that they want.
At this point you can move forward and introduce your solution, show some proof that what you've presented as a solution actually works and then make them an offer that they simply can't turn down.
Once you have got these pieces in place, it is a safe bet that many of the people that find your website will be more than qualified to take you up on your membership offer.
In Summary
As we wrap up this article, although getting traffic is important it is not as important as getting qualified prospects in front of a sales letter that is tailored to their needs and conveys your message in a language that they can relate to.
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